August 18, 2024

Christ Jesus Is The King Of Hell

Passage: Matthew 25:41, 46, Hell Part 2
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Christ Jesus Is The King Of Hell
He’ll Punish All Who There Shall Dwell
Where Unimaginable Sufferings Swell
In Darkest Fires Will Sinners Yell
And Scream In Pain Unparallel
It Never Ends, All Hopes Expel
Eternal Conscious Torments Tell
The Justice Of The Holy Well
Oh Please! Oh Please! I Must Compel
Please Turn From Sin And Don’t Rebel
But Trust In Christ Who Took Our Hell
For On That Cross He’d Scream And Yell
And Bore God’s Wrath Unparallel
Though In Perfection He’d Excel
God Raised Him From All Death And Hell
So Flee To Christ And With Him Dwell
Where Joys Forevermore Shall Swell
And All Your Friends Go Warn And Tell
Of Christ Alone Who Saves From Hell!

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